As the temperature drops outside, wood and pellet stoves may be fired up inside the home. What you may not realize is that heating equipment is one of the leading causes of home fires during the winter months.
Current Burn Restrictions:
Spokane County Fire Protection District #11 is within Spokane County and uses the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency for Burn Restrictions and Regulations. Use the link below to be directed to the most current Burn Restrictions:
Current Burn Restrictions
**After referencing the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency’s current burning restrictions, the following rules below apply**
General Non-Recreational Burning Info:
Town of Rockford Residents: Residents within the Town of Rockford City Limits are NOT allowed to burn non-recreationally. Recreational fires are the only burning allowed within City Limits.
Fire District #11 Residents outside of Rockford City Limits: Burn Permits are required for any Non-recreational burning such as yard debris. Burn Permits can be purchased through the Town of Rockford City Hall for $20, Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM, closed for lunch 12:00PM-1:00PM. Burning rules and regulations are issued by the Spokane Clean Air Agency, use this link to review the types of burning allowed.